The Legendary Four-Minute Mile

What can you accomplish once you realize what’s possible?

Lucas Hawthorne


Stop telling yourself that you can’t and just go for it.

Do you know the story of the four-minute mile?

Simply put, in 1954, a man named Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 min. and 59.4 seconds, and was the first person, much less man, to ever do so.

Sounds amazing and everything, but what does it have to do with the power of potential, right?

Well, before Roger Bannister, no one thought it was possible. No one believed that it was in the realm of possibility that a man, or a woman, could run a mile in under four minutes.

However, after seeing Roger Bannister accomplish the feat and run a mile in under four minutes, people were soon able to accomplish the feat as well.

In fact, since his accomplishment, over 1,400 male athletes have been able to do the same, run a mile in under four minutes.

What’s up with that?

The point of this short story is that no matter what you want to pursue in life, chances are, there is someone out there who has done and succeeded with what you are trying to accomplish.



Lucas Hawthorne

A guide to life and self-improvement, brought to you by a magazine-published Gen Z-er. I'm not on Medium anymore, find me here: