Thanks for sharing your process and your thoughts Celia. I'd like to add something else here that I think would benefit other writers.
Make sure that whenever a writing idea or topic pops into your head, you write it down immediately before you forget it.
I have an "article ideas database" note on my phone where ideas that float into my head go. When I get struck with an epiphany, I immediately type it in the note. It's like fishing – if you don't reel it in immediately, it could get away.
I've lost a lot of ideas in the past because I didn't have a place to write them down. Having a place to write things down immediately ensures:
1. You don't forget about what you could write about.
2. If you ever get stuck on what to write about, you have a database to look at to get some inspiration.
Hope this helps you Celia, and any other writers reading this.