Hi Wesley, thanks for leaving such a thoughtful and lengthy comment. Really means a lot to me for you to pour out so much for a reply.
You definitely hit the nail on the head with understanding my point. We are imperfect, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to do better for ourselves and for others. "Highlight our capacity for growth..." was a much better way to say it.
I can see where you're coming from with regard to what you said about embracing the uncertainty and mess with open arms. I think I'm personally less patient with embracing a mess when the biggest example of what happens when you try to cure a huge problem instead of preventing it to begin with was staring at me in the face for almost two decades at great cost to my health and well-being.
But that doesn't mean your statement isn't without soundness. We definitely can discover a lot about ourselves in chaos and through strife and hardship. We can't fully understand what we're capable of without being tested, falling into a problem, and then coming out on the other side of it. And there's beauty in that triumph too.
I really appreciate your compliments. I shall keep digging deep and positively impacting my readers.