Hey Wesley, this is kind of a tricky subject that I also haven't found a perfect solution for, so to speak.
I'd like your take on the following question: How do we balance helping others with making sure we make enough to put food on the table?
We're all Medium members and now we're required to be members in order to paywall our content. We paywall our content because we want to make money, right?
However, if we really wanted to focus on helping as many people as we can, wouldn't we all take the paywalls off our content so that everyone could access our articles without paying and thus serve the largest possible audience?
But in doing so, our content on Medium would also not, at least not immediately, bring us any income.
Maybe that's ok for someone who doesn't need to make any money off their content, but for the many who want to make this a full-time thing, it's a subject that can't be avoided.
This brings us to the conundrum: We want to help people, but we also want to make sure we can sustain ourselves to continue to help people. How do we strike that balance?