Hey Mister Joe, always a delight to hear from you. While I can see where you're coming from, I wouldn't say that respect and common courtesy have been entirely lost, even in today's world. I can't confidently speak to a potential trend of decline either, but I know that there are people who kick it to the curb in their communication with others.
I was sure to frame my response as an invitation to a discussion and not an attack, so it's hard for me to understand why she responded the way she did. I felt a little upset about the whole matter and channeled those negative emotions into writing an article. Better than to call her out for her poor choice of a reaction.
You hit the nail on the head, Mister Joe: younger or not, we can learn a lot from each other. We all carry different backgrounds and experiences, and being close-minded to other takes will kill our productive conversations.
While there is room for me to have misinterpreted what she said, when she explicitly said that "the last thing business owners need is this BS and to be questioned by perspectives like yours," I knew the room for misinterpretation was nil. A lot of the time, we do misinterpret tone in text, but when the words spell it out for you, it's hard if not impossible to misinterpret what is really being said, and how it's being said.
Thanks again for stopping by.