Crystal Clear: How Significant Is 2,685,000 Zeroes?

You are more special than you realize.

Lucas Hawthorne


Hey everyone, Lucas here!

This is the first story in a new series I’m starting called Crystal Clear. In this series, I’d like to express some perhaps hidden, but very real, perspectives, that may not have been revealed to the eyes of some. Through the Crystal Clear articles, I hope to further inspire others in a plethora of ways by examining some of life’s truths.

And on that note, I hope you enjoy the first story of the series: The Truth About You.

Have you ever thought about how you even exist right now?

I mean, surely, you must be in front of a device reading this story, chuckling as you read this statement. How else could you be reading this story if you didn’t exist?

Life is, I believe, often taken for granted. It’s probably not everyday when you wake up, look in the mirror, smile, and say that you’re happy to be alive. Maybe you’ve got a job that you don’t like. Maybe you had a fallout with your friends, or went through a breakup. Or maybe you’re simply stressed out, for whatever reason that…



Lucas Hawthorne

A guide to life and self-improvement, brought to you by a magazine-published Gen Z-er. I'm not on Medium anymore, find me here: